Friday, June 10, 2011

Home Improvement Week 1: An Update

At the end of last week, I created a daily rhythm for my family to follow beginning Monday.

It has now been 5 days that we have been working with our new routine.

It's been ok at best. Like I said in my original post, I am just terrible, really, really, terrible at following a schedule... or directions... or recipes. Terrible.

This is clearly going to be a work in progress.

Here is a quick play by play:

FAIL-Aiden didn't want to go to school because he was tired and I couldn't think of a good reason for him not to stay home... so he did.
WIN- We spent all morning making a color wheel as a science experiment, then ate lunch, played in our little kiddie pool, and had a siesta.

WIN- He went to school, so Evie and I had a baby playdate, then we had a big kid playdate at a friend's house.
FAIL- We stayed until 5 (!?) so no siesta, then we went to the park with Daddy, out to dinner, and went to bed late

WIN- We stuck to our schedule!
FAIL- Dave came home and surprised Aiden by bringing him to a baseball game. They got home super late and Aiden was super tired the next day.

WIN- We stuck to our schedule! Hooray!

Fridays just count as weekends in our house. Aiden is playing with Mimi and Grandad.

Is it that we're just too fun and spontaneous to have a rhythm? Is the rhythm in the chaos? Like I said, work in progress...

1 comment:

  1. I think it would be sad to miss a fun Daddy night at a baseball game for the sake of a schedule. I think it's more about knowing what to generally expect, and ordering things to set children up for success. Flexibility is a good thing :-)
